Brews and Economic Views brings together academia, government, business owners, and community organizations to discuss emerging technologies and trends in Nevada’s twelve economic sectors in an informal setting that fosters discussion, emceed by CBER’s Director, Andrew Woods.
Housing Economy
Thursday, September 12
5:30 – 7:30 pm
Location: Lovelady Brewing Company
20 S Water Street Henderson, NV 89015
Brews and Economic Views: Housing – Panelists
Interested in being a panelist for our next event? Contact us at cber@unlv.edu
Shawn McCoy, Ph.D.
Dr. Shawn McCoy is an economics professor, who specializes in urban-, environmental-, and health-related issues. His research focuses on identifying cause-and-effect relationships between social problems, local economies, and the environment. His published works or works in-progress have explored a wide range of topics, including the effect of wildfires and other storm damage on real estate transactions and homeowners’ perceptions of disaster risk; how mass shootings and terrorism affect communities; and connections between disease and urban development, and fracking and indoor radon levels in homes.
Nicholas Irwin, Ph.D.
Dr. Nicholas Irwin specializes in the fields of housing economics, urban economics, environmental economics, and land use. He has published extensively in the world’s leading journals across these areas including the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, the Journal of Environmental Economics, Land Economics, the Journal of Real Estate Research, and Regional Science and Urban Economics. His research follows two veins: the first explores the decision-making of homeowners as it relates to their housing investment decisions through the choice to install photovoltaic technology, reduce water usage, or engage in large-scale renovations. The second explores how homebuyers respond to information shocks related to environmental hazards, adjustments to school attendance boundaries, and changes in local public goods.
Chris Armstrong
Chris Armstrong is the Senior Vice President of Development at Olympia Companies. He focuses on land development, development agreements, planning and entitlements, commercial asset management, and Olympia’s outdoor media. Chris received his Bachelor’s from Queens University at Kingston, Canada, and a Masters in Urban Planning from McGill University.
Michelle Merced
Michelle Merced has lived in Southern Nevada since the 90’s and has been in the Real Estate industry for over 19 years. She came to Neighborhood Housing Services of Southern Nevada to give back through education during the height of foreclosure in 2008. During that time, she assisted with teaching homebuyer education classes to future first-time homebuyers, and since then, she has been hired to be part of NHSSN. Michelle and her team have administered over $12mm in down payment assistance, helped over 3000+ families purchase their first home, and educated over 8500+ families through homebuyer education.
Andrew Kjellman
Andrew Kjellman is the Senior Director of the Metropolitan Planning Organization at the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, where he began in 2011. In his role, he provides oversight of all federal transportation funding, and leads regional planning studies and initiatives. He moved to Las Vegas after graduating with a transportation-focus from Portland State University, and received a bachelor’s degree in environmental planning from Western Washington University, and a master’s degree in public policy from the University of Washington. After college, he bought an around-the-world plane ticket and traveled for a year – the highlight being a bicycle trip through the temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia.