Resident Population
Population estimates for Washoe County are from the U.S. Census Bureau. We also have annual population data from the Nevada State Demographer available here.
Employees on Nonfarm Payrolls
This chart shows the total number of people with jobs in the Reno-Sparks/Washoe County area. The series in red represents seasonally adjusted data.
Unemployment Rate
The unemployment rate reflects the total labor force and the number of active job seekers. To be considered unemployed, a person must be actively seeking employment including documented job interviews. The series in blue represents seasonally adjusted data.
WC Taxable Sales
This is a measure of all of the retail sales in Washoe County that are taxable and excludes all nontaxable retail sales. Using the twelve month moving average makes it possible to view the trends in data because the underlying data are volatile and seasonal.
WC Gross Gaming Revenue
Gross gaming revenue reflects the gross revenues that casinos obtain from gaming. Using the twelve month moving average makes it possible to view the trends in data because the underlying data are volatile and seasonal.